Saturday, April 5, 2014

First Trip Plan

As I write this, the first trip in my motorhome is still three and a half months away, but it's all planned out in my head, so why not put it down on paper? That way, I can provide the answer to one of the most common questions I'm asked. The objective of the trip is the wedding of my cousin's son, Tim. The route will go from San Diego to Seattle, most of it running up Highway 395 on the eastern side of the Sierras. I'll be trying out the leisurely pace I intend to keep in my retirement travels: not much more than 4 hours on the road per day. With a couple extra days thrown in to see the sights, it will take me nine days, with six scenic stops along the way, and plenty of time to explore.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Mail Call

Among friends that begin to consider the implications of my fulltime RVing plan, the most common question is, "How will you get your mail?" I'm far from the first person to face this issue, and, thankfully, there are a number of solutions available. I'll review them in this post, and discuss how the answer is linked to a much more important question with long term consequences. Clubs for RV owners have a role to play, so I'll mention a few of them, too.