Tuesday, May 20, 2014

And So, It Begins...

I was starting to get nervous about receiving the van in time to carry through on my plans and then… well, as you see, IT'S ARRIVED! I'm still not in the clear, conversion takes a while, but this is a big step forward. Even before I got the notice in yesterday's mail, I had set May 28th to visit the Sportsmobile factory and meet with my designer. So he can start laying the groundwork before our meeting, I emailed him my specifications today - all 43 pages of them. During my visit, I'll be able to answer any questions he has, make any adjustments he requires, and select materials with samples in front of me. Exciting times ahead!

1 comment:

  1. Quick addendum: My choices for a date to visit the factory had winnowed down until May 28th is the only option left, but I was stressing about the five hour drive each way because I've got classes to teach the day before and the day after. Then it occurred to me: I could fly to Fresno. Found some perfect flight times. Easy peasy.
